Kamis, 18 April 2013


Whatever the base material used for furniture of our choice, the outer surface must be in finishing so that it looks beautiful. There are various types of styles of finishing materials, among others: Finishing Melamix, Duco Paint and Laminate. The inside of the cabinet usually coated materials melaminto. But the cabinet using glass doors, not lined inside melaminto, but coated with the same material by coating the outside of the cabinet. So from the outside of the glass, the inside of the cabinet still looks beautiful.

Finishing Melamix is the method of spraying liquid melamix as final finishing on furniture surfaces can be either matte or glossy. Colors may vary, usually consisting of natural wood colors, as in interior finishing melamix system design used for furniture who want to show the impression of natural wood fiber.

Cat Duko is the method of spraying paint on the surface of the furniture duko. Colors may vary with options as diverse as the pastel colors and natural. Wood grain on the furniture will not be visible if using duko, because it will be covered with a solid color paint itself. Duko typically used in interior design to show the impression of dynamic, elegant and modern in the room.

Laminate is a method of finishing the interior or furniture with glue coating material on the surface of furniture. Coatings are commonly used include HPL, tacon, decosit, supercon and PVC. Among the four coatings, HPL most expensive, followed tacon, decosit, and last supercon PVC.

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